Monday, December 17, 2012

Blog Response #1 - Reporting On Bin Laden's Death

Osama Bin Laden's death will no doubt go down as one of the most important stories in our nation's history.

The story of his capture is fascinating - as is the way the news of his murder spread online and on television.

Read the following story from the New York Times' Media Blog and write a 250-word response that answers the following questions:

How did you find out about Bin Laden's death? Where were you? After reading the article, what did you learn or find interesting about the way the news leaked out? How do you think most people found out? How would the news have spread differently if this event happened 15-20 years ago?

How The Osama Bin Laden Announcement Leaked Out

Response due: Friday, December 14 by 2 p.m.


  1. When I learned of Osama Bin Laden's death, I was on my computer, browsing Reddit as usual. I refreshed the page and saw a link that said Osama was dead. At first, I thought "This has to be a joke." A rational thought, considering all the pranks that had been pulled over the years. After about ten minutes the front page filled up with reports about how he was dead. I hadn't been hooked, but my interest had been piqued, so I did some research. After some research I found that the reports were true, and that some people in congress had leaked the info though phone calls, which is only affirmed by this article. Most people, I would assume, found out from the media coverage. Something that huge doesn't escape the media's eye. Many others, like myself, found out before initial media coverage through the internet, so I think the internet really brought it to attention. If this was 15-20 years ago, I think the very few people who really knew the internet would have known, and the government could have held the information from us as long as they wanted to, which to be fair, they could have done now if they wanted to. But without the internet like it is now, less people would have known beforehand. Once the media caught wind, they definitely would have been scared to run the story, thinking that the government would get them in trouble. Instead of spreading like wildfire, the story would have spread much slower. This is all speculation of course, as none of us can really know, because we were just small children. It's hard to imagine the world only 20 years ago when the internet was just catching on, because we are so used to our internet age. Even knowing that, I think that the internet played the biggest part in how the news spread.
    -Mark Hedgeland

  2. I found out about Bin Laden's death by over-hearing students at school talking about it, I will admit, it was everywhere by May 2nd. I at least heard it once for every insect out there (in English: millions). Although I’m not surprised about how fast the news leaked, but I’m still incredibly shocked when his initial announcement at 10:30p.m. May 1st was delayed for over an hour. In which there was "more than a dozen Facebook posts with the word “bin Laden” every single second." I think his announcement was quite different then from what would have been at the initial time of the announcement. There is no arguing that majority of people learning of this got it from Facebook, of which, it is mainly gossip (most of the time false). I'll admit, i want to see the guy dead, but don't say what you don't know. Had this have been before internet, I would have been shouting it down the streets (unless someone else was already). I heard he was buried at sea, surprised no diving teams went out there to search for proof. H***, I'm surprised none of the soldiers who were there told of the story, or were even mentioned. I'm guessing this was just a cover-up. I think he is still out there, somewhere...........

  3. when i found out about Osama Bin laden's death i was chilling with my cussin an he was like yo you know they killed Osama Bin Laden and i was like o for real thats whats real popin doe.were i was locaded i think i was drivin some were in my car.After i readed the story i think thats most people found out from the media because they said there was more then a dozen Facebook posts with the word Bin Laden is died! Plus i know there was about a dozen people tweeting about his deth.The diffens would have been that people would not had there no phones no facebook or Twitter.So they would had to hare it from a friend if they called you or if you had your Radio on they would said Osama Bin Laden is dead or maby on the black and withe coler tv. The End joseph Robinson

  4. I do not remember exactly how I found out about Osama’s death, but I know it was not from any form of media. It was probably from my mom or dad telling me, because I don’t watch the news or go online often. From reading the article I found out that Osama’s death news leaked out after phone calls were made to congressmen, through twitter and the social networks. After the social networks were booming, the news sites and channels began announcing the news and around 11:30pm two hours later the president spoke about it. Most people probably found out about this news from Twitter, and Facebook. The only problem is, people hear this news and believe it and get carried away tweeting about it when it hasn’t even been confirmed by a real news source or by our president. 15 or 20 years ago when Twitter and Facebook didn’t exist, the way this news would have spread is probably by our president, and then from the news sources, such as ABC and CNN (CNN first probably). I could imagine that the way the news about bin Laden’s death spread bothers a lot of people who realize that it hit the social networks first. Not too long ago the country heard all the important government news straight from the president. But now, social media has more power in news travel and influence on its readers. Social networks are also very unreliable; anyone could say anything they want, and people will believe it.

    Melissa Pepin

  5. i found out about bin ladens death when i was on twitter. things that i thought were interesting about the way the news leaked was that it was on twitter before it was on the major news stations. if this happened 15-20 years ago it would be put on the radio and it would maybe be on the tv, because there was no twitter or facebook alot of people wouldnt know untill it was in the newspapers. i think most people found out about his death on social media sites, but if people didnt have a facebook acount or twitter account they might have found out about this great news was on the tv. rj smith

  6. I found out about Bin Ladens death from twitter a social network. i found out it was interesting how the news let out because it got out so fast and everyone knew in a matter of like 15 minutes it was on facebook, twitter, and the television that i knew of for a fact and other sites and news articles were showing the same things. i think everyone mostly found out about the death over social networks like facebook and twitter. alot of people are always on a social network either by phone,computer, or tablets. 15 to 20 years ago new would have been spreaded through the television and everyone would have been on there tv sets in their house watching the news. Tyvell

  7. heard about the death on the terrorist Osama Bin Laden the facts about his death seemed weird to me. I found out about Bin Laden’s death by seeing it on TV the day I stayed home from school. As soon as I The reporters stated that a Navy Seals team had taken him out and buried him out at sea. Why would they burry him out at sea and not bring him into the United States for proof of his death? After reading the article about how Osama Bin Laden's death spread throughout most of the population I found it interesting that it all started from twitter. Even though the news of his death was originated from twitter I believe the majority of people found out through television because a lot of channels had to catch up on the fact that Osama was killed, the news channels aren’t usually used to this because usually the news industries start the news but in this case twitter did. If this happened 10-15 years ago it would have spread only through TV, radio and newspaper.

  8. I found out about the death of Bin Laden the day after he died, by a friend of mine that goes to Jonathan law who always researching news in the morning. At first i thought it was a joke, that very same night i was watching Jeopardy and it went on a commercial break then i saw that a breaking news talking about the death of Bin laden it drew my attention, but normally i would change the channel to watch something different but i sit there and watch the news because i was interesting to know what really happen. The way the info about Bin Laden was leaked out was not organized and it took literary less than 10minutes to spread across the United States. I think that most people knew about this tragic incident by the media. If this happened 10-15 years ago i think that the news station would spread this incident biasly across the world because they may edited it in their own way and it would mosly be hear by radio listener. THE END BY CAVAR GRANT

  9. I found out about Bin Laden’s death by my father, i think. I was at home when he told me and showed me a forwarded picture of him beaten and dead. Im not sure if it was real or not though. I think it’s interesting that the news was leaked on Twitter. I would of expected that news to have been leaked from news websites instead of Twitter. I find it interesting that before the President had even announced anything about Bin Laden being dead, everyone around the world knew about it. I don’t know how most people would have found out about that. They could of most likely found out by several tweets people had. Also the articles that have said Bin Laden is dead. If this event took place 15 to 20 years ago, it would have been spread by newspapers. Either that or the radio and television. 15-20 years ago, the internet was on its way to developing. I don't believe there was any social networking sites at that time.
    - Melina

  10. I found out about Bin Laden’s death when I went downstairs to watch Jaws with my dad. I actually heard the news from my father, at first I was like “No! You’re lying”. I really didn’t believe my dad I told him that seeing is believing and I need to see photos of his dead body to be sure. I went online to update my Facebook status and it was the first thing saw when my MSN. What is most interesting about this article is that it got leaked out from TWITTER…TWITTER GUYS! Not MSN, not Yahoo, not Google, not CNN who always seem to cover every single news on the planet, they always seem to be the ones who distribute news stories before any other news channel. The last place I heard it was on the news. What I learned about the way the news leaked out is that when something goes on the internet it’s there for all to see and it travels really fast. Faster than a telephone call. It’s quite obvious that most people found out from the internet because if it was the television I think the public would hear it from President Obama first. If this event had happened fifteen to twenty years ago the news would have travels way slower…twenty years ago they didn’t have twitter and I don’t think that technology was up to date back then so the news would definitely take forever and a day to reach the public and I’m pretty sure that the people would hear it from the president over the radio or something. ~Jamielle Jarrett

  11. I honestly didn't know about bin ladens death until i was told in media class. This article definitely proves how powerful social networking is and how much impact it has on everyone's day to day lives. It can effect many people in small ways but Also deliver breaking news to many people instantly. I think its amazing how quickly people found out and the news, reporters , our government didn't even have the chance to speak before everyone knew. I feel most people found out through twitter and Facebook more than any other source. Word travels fast with both of these sites. If this was 15-20 years ago people wouldn't have known until our government decided to tell everyone. Even though now people are limited to certain information if they actually look it's more likely for them to find it. Years ago the ways to find out important information was limited. Now were given access to it all, if we find it is up to us.

  12. When I learned of Osama Bin Laden’s death, I was on my Iphone playing doodle jump and after I was browsing on Facebook , and I saw a status saying “Osama Bin Laden is dead” at first I didn’t believe it so I went to a local new website and it was the top story. From what I read from the article the first time I thought that the news got out that we killed Osama and that it wasn’t true so they said we killed him so that the U.S. didn’t look bad saying that they killed him but he’s actually still alive. So when the news came out on TV there was no way the U.S. is going to say “no we didn’t kill he’s still alive” so they played along with it and said yes we killed him. I think the people found out that Osama Bin Laden by Facebook or twitter because a lot of people use Facebook and twitter. I think the news have been spread differently 15-20 years ago because not a lot people had internet on their mobile devises or at home, they would have heard it from the new on the TV.

  13. I found out about Bin Laden’s death from Facebook. I was on Facebook at like 5:30am and I saw a status about it from one of my Facebook friends but I thought it was fake / a joke so I didn’t think much of it. But then my parents told me and I believed it happened since they don’t use facebook much and I knew they didn’t get it from there. When I first saw it on facebook, I was in my basement. And when my parents told me, I was walking out my front door to go to the bus. I learned the first time it was leaked out to the public, it was mentioned through a tweet on Twitter by Dan Pfeiffer ( The White House Communications Director ). I think most people found out about his Death either from Twitter or on facebook via twitter followers of Dan Pfeiffer and the follower’s friends. I think the news would have been spread 15-20 years ago differently from now because back then not a lot of people had the internet and cell phones, cell phones especially with texting. People back then would have most likely heard it from the radio or TV. They could have heard it through their friends and family calling them through their house phone. Another way they could have heard about it was through the word of mouth and reading it in the papers
    - Allie Piselli

  14. The first time I heard about Osama getting killed I think I was at home and my mom told me randomly, and then I went on Twitter and Facebook and basically everything I read had something to do with Osama being died. I remember having the television on at my house and watching everyone talk about how they found him and how they killed him. All my friends were talking about and saying how they didn’t believe they actually killed him, so it’s all a conspiracy. After the article I found it interesting that all this information came out on the social media way before the president of the United States could even make a speech for later that night to address to everyone about what had happened. Also the New York post website already had their headlines up saying “Dead” or “We Got Him”. Every single second there was someone talking about the death of Osama. But it’s hard to believe everything you read on all these social networks, that’s why I waited to hear more news about it on the news channels or when the president spoke to us about it. Social media has definitely gotten very popular and seems to be more important then watching the news, or hearing the president talk. That’s all everyone relays on now a day. If this event happened 15 to 20 years ago, things would be very different. People wouldn’t be checking their Twitters or Facebook status’ for what’s going on. People would wait until the president spoke to everyone and explained the details himself. Then after that, it would be on the news and that’s what people also would watch for the information.

    BY: adriana petrucci (:

  15. when i heard about osama bin ladins death i wasnt to sure weather to beleive it or not. I was at a friends house on the computer. i saw a fews facebook statuses about him being killed. i mentioned it and a few others heard about it but werent sure either. after reading i did find it interesting as to how the information leaked, though it didnt really surprise me. when there is important information and its told to be kept secret theres almost no chance(depending on the amount of people that know) the, secret will be kept safe.'' after some time rumors were starting up everywhere and continuing to spread. Obama was late with his address to the nation and everyone was still wondering. Keith Urbahn unoffically confirmed it for some when he tweeted, “So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn.” this reputible happens to be the chief of staff for the former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld. this explains what i was saying about the secret not being safe. most people found out through social networking. there were more than a dozen Facebook posts with the word “bin Laden” every single second. if this would have happened 15 to 20 years ago not too many people would have known. if it werent for the technology and the socail networks that werent around then most people would have waited for Obamas delayed address, though most American would have been pleased to hear it from the president himself.

  16. @ Joseph Robinson!
    When i found out about Osama Bin laden's death i was HANGING OUT with my COUSIN  AND he was like "yo you know they killed Osama Bin Laden" and i was like OH for real? thats whats real POPPIN?  WHEREi was LOCATED?  I think i was DRIVING some WHERE in my car.After i READ the story i think THAT most people found out from the media,  because they said there was more THAN a dozen Facebook posts with the word "Bin Laden is DEAD!"  Plus i know there was about a dozen people tweeting about his DEATH. The DIFFERENCE  would have been that people would not had no phones, no "facebook" or "Twitter". So they would had to HEAR it from a friend. If they called you or if you had your Radio on they would  Have said "Osama Bin Laden is dead" or MAYBE on the black and WHITE COLOR tv. The End joseph Robinson

  17. I found out about sadden bin laden death on a school day morning. I was eating my favorite cereal minie weats and watching channel 3 news when bin laden’s death was announced. I jumped up and chanted USA USA USA when I was done I calmly said hooraa with a grin on my face. I thought I would have a bad day that morning till I heard the news. That information gave my day a three sixty (turned my day around). I didn’t find anything on this article interesting and I already read all about this article but I’ll give an interesting fact about a different article about bin laden when special troops went to get bin laden he hid behind his two wives and shot at the troops the troops ended up shooting his wives and killing his brother. Bin laden is a real coward! I think people found out about his death by television broadcasts. This news would have probably announced by postal mail services or by email. Chris Hay

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  21. I found out about Bin Laden’s death on my way home from school. I was my Facebook page when I saw numerous comments and status saying finally we got that bastard. At first I didn’t believe it was true, but then I saw almost all the friends in my contact list posted it as their status. After I was finish reading this article the things I found that were really interesting on how the news got leaked are how the media go the news so fast and how it was widely spread all over the world, how he government took so long to finalize his speech, and how people didn’t believe that Bin Laden was dead unless they were given proof. The things that I have learned from this article are that the social media isn’t only negative but it can also have positive effects on our lives. It can get news to us faster than we would ever think. People didn’t believe bin laden was dead because this wasn’t the first time they heard that news. Many people found out about the death of bin laden by the media or social media such as Facebook, twitter and MySpace. The news would spread 15-20 years ago by either being later to be told, in printed media or even radio. It wouldn’t be spread that easy because some networks and even media devices weren’t built as yet. Things that I am still questioning are why the government took so long to finalize his speech and why would that lady let her child watch that terrible show about Bin Laden’s death? Shaneka Grant

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  24. The way I found out about Bin Laden’s death was by twitter and facebook. i was at my house in my room. I saw it on twitter first and ignored it, I thought it was just a rumor. Then I saw it on facebook and actually read the pages and thought maybe it was true. Then the next morning when I woke up my grandfather asked me if I had heard about it and I told him I saw it but I didn’t really believe it and he told me Obama went on TV and confirmed it. After I read this I thought that it was interesting how one person found out and put it on twitter and all of a sudden everyone’s talking about it and its on facebook . I think most people found out from twitter and facebook and not the news because more people go on the internet. The news would have spread differently 15- 20 years ago because there wasn’t very much technology so there was no facebook or twitter because there was no internet so everyone would have had to wait until Obama went on TV to tell everybody.
    - Alyssa Jelliffe

  25. When I found out about Osama Bin Laden's death i was watching NFL Network. Which is odd to be announced on because it is a sports network. What I found interesting about the article is how they new erupted on twitter, facebook, and other social networks way before the television stations aired it. In my opinion I would think most people found out about the news on some sort of social network. I think this because most people own a social network account and check it frequently. I believe that 15-20 years ago this new would have been introduced to most people at the beginning of the morning. With the lack of cellular devices and emails, many news station would have been late breaking the news.

    - By Kyle Healey

  26. I still remember exactly how i found out about Bin Laden's death, i got a text from one of my friends, saying how bin laden was finally dead. i was just getting home when i read the text message and i didn't really believe them at first because i didn't hear it anywhere else but then right after i went on twitter and EVERYONE was tweeting how he died. After reading the article, i thought it was really crazy how the news leaked out in a matter of minutes. This made me realize how fastly news gets out on the internet and how once it's on the internet everyone will see it. It was all other facebook and twitter right after it was announced, then immeditley everyone would tweet it or make it their status that he had died. i think most people definitley found out from facebook or twitter, and i think that's really weird because like 10 years ago, people would have found out a lot slower, not everyone would of known right away because the social network sites weren't really popular back then. The only way you would find out things back then is from the news or if you hear people talking about it. It's really crazy how fast news can get around on the internet.
    -Nicole Paquette

  27. 'I bet Bin Laden regrets allowing his iPhone app to "use his current location".'

  28. I found out about Osama Bin Laden's death by accidently changing the channel on the t.v. while cleaning up a spilt beer. I was living with my uncle at the time in Fort Collins, Colorado while he was attending Colorado State University. After reading this article, I learned that there was alot of speculation with the nation's news anchors of whether or not that Obama would be announcing the death of Bin Laden. But during the delay of Obama's speach, one tweet seemed to confirmed what everyone in this country has been waiting 10 years for- Bin Laden's death. The tweet came from Keith Urbahn, the chief of staff for the former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, that read: “So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn." After that, many people started re-tweeting that post and started tweeting about Bin Laden's death. Facebook was having over a dozen posts per second with the word "bin laden". With this said, i feel the human population was aware of his death through social networks. If this event happened 15-20 years ago it would have taken alot longer for people to find out. There would have to be calls made to confirm it and with calls you would know exactly who was listening or who was aware. So, there would be no way that the public would have found out or even the major news networks around the world. ----Morgan Gapp

  29. Maria Ihtisam!!
    I heard about Osama from Facebook because someone posted on facebook as their status. Then I asked my family and other people but everyone thought it’s just fake news like always but then later everyone heard the news on the tv. And they believed that it was true.TO be honest I still feel like he is not dead because we heard this news so many times. The teach is growing so fast that it takes min to post anything and make it news. Everyone was waiting for his death from years and it took min to tell the work. While Obama was writing his speech and people were waiting for him,just a one litter tweet seemed to confirm his death. Keith Urbahn, the chief of staff for the former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, wrote at that time, “So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn.” No one had ever even think about a tweet can confirm his death. The death news made some people happy and some people don't even care but internet have made life so easy for everyone that people don't even have to wait for hours in-front of tv to know about whats going in the world.

  30. I fount out about Osama Bin Laden's killing from a text from a military friend.I was at my house just waking up when I had found out. I learned that the news leaked out from the news.I think mostly people fount out from the internet, twitter, blogs, post, I think it is interesting, because you wouldn't amagine how internet is so powerful, you can send a post on facebook, and less than a second someone, somewhere has viewed it! I think the nbews would have spread out differently 15-20 years ago, probably by radio, or televsion, mostly because internet wasn't really booming like it is now. But I think that radio is just as effective as internet maybe a little bit less but people can find out things just as fast as another scource if you think about it. But yes I do think internet is a powerful scource though. Many people do not realize it though, because posting, and blogging is just that easy, only a click away! I think the news about Osama would get out better through internet because internet is a popular scource now of today. When i did find out about the news of Osama i was shocked because i didn't think they was going to find him to be honest. The news is still shocking to me till this day!

  31. The day i found out about ben laden being capture and killed i was surprise because it took us ten years to find.just to think about how much lifes he had taken and the love he has taken from people he deserves to die.The way i found out about bin laden death was by news and magizines and newspaper.i was watching t.v and eating pizza in my living room when a breaken news pop up and and said bin laden has been caught and killed. Then i had posted it on to facebook and after i had done that someone else post the same status i post . The way things get leak out is posting it onto twitter or facebook or if its on the news its showed to the whole world and thats how people find out.Mostly facebook or twitter will get to know the things that happen fist in the world then the news because people spend there everyday life on facebook or twitter. the fast way to find out about something is on twitter or facebook because people post soemthing and its retweet. 15-20 years ago people will found out through radios then newspapers because there wasnt any computers or t.v back then so for the people that was living inthose time they would have to wait a little longer then technology we have today.When the people back then had to know something they would have to wait until the radio say somethingor wait all day for the newspaper to come. so if something bad would happen they wouldnt know really quickly as we do today.

  32. The night i heard about Osama Bin Ladens death was a huge suprise. Before Social networking, news was spread by television and newspapers and radio. The power of the internet has changed our society greatly. Now we can get instant information of the world around us with one push of a button. This is how I heard about Osama Bin Ladens death. As most people know, there is a great amount of rumors on the internet, such as celebrity pregnancies or deaths. So I was on my laptop and I saw a facebook status saying Osama Bin Laden died. It didnt really occur to me that this was true until every single person on facebook made their status about Osamas death. I turnedmy tv on and every single news station was covering Osamas death and the Presidents speech. Its ridiculous how te actual news stations are having their thunder being taken by social networking for the amount of news and how fast it is spread.

    - Mitch Martin

  33. I heard about the news of Osama Bin Laden's death because i was watching T.V. and saw it in the newspaper. At first i wasnt really sure if it was real and it wasn't something i was expecting because it was kind of random to see that he was dead. One thing that i found interesting in the article was that the news managed to get out about Osama Bin Laden's death because of people tweeting and blogging and it was before the president had said anything about it. I think most people found out about his death through the internet, like by Facebook, Twitter and blogs, which is different than how people would have gotten to know the news before. If this news about Osama Bin Laden's death came out 15 to 20 years ago it would have been spread much differently. The news probably would have gotten to people through the newspaper, T.V., or just by other people talking about it. Also, it probably would have taken much longer than it did to reach everyone. It shows how much faster everything can spread to people and how much people use the internet to get their news.

    -Brandon Dubicki

  34. I found out about Bin Ladens death from my mother when i woke up in the morning. I was at my house in my living room. I think that people found out about this incident by the news and the internet. If this happend 15-20 years ago the way that you would most likely hear this on the radio or see it on the news aswell or your would just hear about it by word of mouth.

  35. I found out about Osama Bin Laden’s death via twitter. First someone posted saying that Osama was dead and I assumed it was just a lie, similar to when someone said Soulja Boy or Bon Jovi was said to be dead. Then, someone retweeted a news account, who posted an article about how Navy Seal Team 6 assassinated Bin Laden. That made me believe it, but it was surprising. I mean who expected that we would find and kill Osama? I was chilling at my friend’s house when I read it. I think it was interesting that people found out via twitter. It could have just been faked and Osama could still be alive. But since it was from a reliable source, everyone believed it. With the photos and everything it is believable. I believe a lot of people found out via twitter, but everyone found out from their friend who found out from twitter. Like the information retained from Twitter trickled down. It would have spread via television and people talking on the phone and twirling the cord around their fingers. It could have still spread from newspapers and magazines. It also would have taken longer for the public to find out. The government officials would have taken their time to prepare for a press conference. I mean it took Obama until 11:35 P.M. to announce Osama’s death, so if he had more time he would have taken it. So years ago it would take until the next day, at least.
    – Mike Rodriguez III

  36. I found out about bin ladens death at a kid cudi concert at SHU. When I came out of the concert everyone was chanting USA and then someone finally said that we killed him, we killed osama. Then when I got in the car with my friends I heard it over the news. But then when I got home I saw on twitter that Obama died so I was really confused and didn’t know which one was dead. Everyone heard it from social media. Most people found out from facebook or twitter. Others probably found out from the news on tv or the internet. If this were 15-20 years ago the news would have spread over tv, newspapers, and the radio. There was no social networking back then.

  37. The news came just around 9:45 pm from white house communications director Dan Pfeiffer when he tweeted, “POTUS to address the nation tonight at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Time,”. People then later assumed and knew it was Osama bin Laden and that hes been killed. It has also been reported that some people from NBC including anchor Brian Williams got an emial saying "get to work". I was at my house just hanging out when I saw tweets about Osama Bin Laden dead and believed it. It amazes me that before the President of the United States wasnt the first one to tell the world about it. As soon as congressman started to make phone calls word spread faster than people could imagine. The creation of the Iphone just shot this through the roof too. If these amazing phones werent so high tech then it wouldnt be so easy to access twitter and all these websites. If this happened at the beginning of the 1990s or late 1980s then word wouldnt spread so quickly. The cause of twitter and other social network sights then it wouldnt of happen and Obama could of actually said it and not let the people before him. I cant seem to imagine whats coming for the future with the technology because nothing will be kept a secret anymore.
    -Randy Allain

  38. Im not 100 percent sure i remember how i found out about Osamas Bin Ladens death. i beleive i found out over twitter. when the news of osama bin ladens death leaked to the media people began tweeting about his death and posting statuses on facebook.when people began seeing these posts and tweets other people began to post and tweet about his death eventually notiffying anyone who uses both twitter or facebook. the news of Osamas death was leaked out to the media because of a phone call that was made to a congressmen. when news channels heard of the news of his death they began reporting it to the public. when i first heard about osamas death i did not fully believe this news was true until i saw more and more people posting things about it. and eventually i saw the news of his death on tv. its weird to think that people now hear about important news over websites like twitter or facebook before they hear about it over regualr news for example fox news.
    - Amanda Viscount

  39. I don't really remember how I found out, but it was probably either from hearing people at school talk about it, or from someone on IRC (Internet Relay Chat). I didn’t really care that much, because I was too young to really remember anything he did and have any feelings about them.
    After reading the article, I learned that the news not only leaked initially on Twitter, but also from anonymous sources in the White House and Pentagon. I also learned that many news sites posted the news of his death before President Obama announced it and gave official confirmation, which could have been risky if they were fake death rumors. I think most people found out from Twitter or Facebook, as the news went viral there initially.
    In the past, this news would have spread through the president's speech on television and radio, because there would have been no way for the people who knew about it before then to contact the press. Even if they managed to contact the press, it would have taken a day for the newspapers to print and distribute it, unlike today where they published it online instantly. I also think one of the main reasons the press pushed it out so fast was so that they could compete with social media like Facebook and Twitter. If people found out about it from social media already, they would be less likely to read the news articles, so the sooner the articles were posted the more readers they would get. If this was in the past, there wouldn’t have been any major competition for the news media, and they would be able to wait after the president’s announcement to publish it.

    - Tyler C.

  40. I was at a Kid Cudi concert at Sacred Heart the night Osama Bin Laden was killed. After the concert was over I heard everyone was cheering America! and USA! Then someone turned to me and told me Osama Bin Laden was dead. I didnt believe them until my uncle picked me up and we heard it on the radio. I was in shock, we finally killed Osama Bin Laden. After I read the article i started laughing. I was laughing because it's funny how twitter told the United States that Bin Laden was dead. The concert was full of teenagers that definietly dont watch cnn. So they had to have checked twitter after the concert and found out. So I think thats how most people found out about it. Twitter wasn't around 15-20 years ago so people probably wouldnt have found out intil the next day when they read the new paper. Some people were probably watching the news at that time but since it wasnt confirmed until 11:30 I don't think many people were awake at that time. But it's amazing how twitter can spread news that quickly. The whole country new that Osama was dead within 2 hours because of twitter.

    -Joey Bannon

  41. When I first heard of the death of Osama bin Laden I was on face book at my house and I saw the repeated postings of people who were my friends about how “we finally got Osama!” and stuff like that but at first I didn’t believe it because most of the stuff on social media sites that get spread quickly like this story are miscommunication errors. So I looked it up on Google and to my astonishment the Facebook statuses and Tweets were right. The military found and launched an offensive assault on Osama and during the attempt to capture him were forced to shoot him. I thought that it was interesting that social media sites surpassed generic forms of media such as News stations, Internet sites, and newspapers by informing people of information instantly and this is all because of a solider decided to tweet about the accomplishment. I think that this way of media is better than generic forms of media but shouldn’t replace them due to the fact that the tweets and statuses simply informed you of the final result of the raid and not the details that may cause riots and other negative reactions that could result from the lack of information being distributed through the status .
    - Garyd Boyd

  42. it was deffinitley a shock to hear osama bin laden was killed but mostly a relief! i was home when i found out. i was on the computer,facebook & twitter were blowing up with status's about it.then finally i turned on the tv and basically every channel was being interupted to tell this incredible news.if this news was told 15-20 years ago it wouldn't have been as important because noone really knew about him until he was apart of 9/11. either way it would be a releif because everyone would feel safe they got rid of a person that endangers our world.
    -james carbone

  43. I don't remember where I was when I found out about Osama's death but all I remember was that I was extremely happy and relieved that he was finally dead. What I found interesting after reading this article was how quickly the news spread within an hour due to social networks like Twitter and Facebook. If this event happen 15-20 years ago I don't think so many people would of known because there wasn't that many people using social networks like there is today. I think people would of had to wait for the news to come on just to find out that he Osama was dead.
    -Amber Fortini

  44. The day before Osama Bin Laden died, my class had a huge discussion about him. One student was insisting that Bin Laden was dead, nobody could change his mind. Of course he wasn’t the only one who stood by this, but he had the strongest opinion about it. I find it very ironic that my class had this huge discussion just hours before Seal Team Six raided Bin Laden’s safe house and killed him. At this time I was very into being a special forces soldier in the Army, so I was ecstatic that we finally took this terrorist out of our world. What came after it is what made me rethink. There was a possibility of going to war with Pakistan, because we thought they were hiding Bin Laden from us for years. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Why would our allies, hide the most dangerous terrorist in the world from us? The other thing being that, just because we killed Bin Laden, doesn’t mean that there aren’t any other pissed off terrorists that want to destroy the United States. There are probably even more of them now, because we killed their leader. Terrorism will never stop. It’s sad to say, but our world will never be at peace. There will always be somebody out there that wants to rebel strongly. But the death of Osama Bin Laden was a major event in our world’s history. The pain and suffering he caused thousands of people, and killing him was the only thing we could have done to help.

    -Chris Burnham

  45. I found out about Bin Laden’s death by watching the news with my mom. We both didn’t believe it at first but then we knew it was real. We were in her room and we kept talking about it while they were getting more information by the minute on how it happened, who did it, and who was involved. After reading the article, it was interesting how the news leaked out about Bin Laden’s death because it goes to show with just one tweet, millions can believe it and it can go viral in minutes. Within minutes, anonymous sources at the Pentagon and the White House started to tell reporters the same information. I think most people found out about Bin Laden’s death because of twitter because most things that are posted on social networks, most people believe what is written. Donald Rumsfeld, the chief of staff for the former defense secretary, was the first person to tweet about Bin Laden’s death, within minutes the tweet was seen by millions and everyone believed it. Brian Williams on NBC told viewers, “This story started to leak out in the public domain largely when some congressional staffers started to make phone calls.” I think the news would have spread differently if it happened 15-20 years ago because most people find out things from social networks because the generation that we are in now, the amount of people that are on twitter and facebook don’t watch the news.
    -Taylor Doran

  46. I found out about Bin Laden death on the internet. Mostly on social media websites like twitter, Facebook etc. The way news travels is crazy. News could spread really fast and everyone knows about it. People use to read the newspaper and watch it on TV. Now when the events happen it will be known a couple minutes after it has happen. People don’t have to wait for the paper or watch the news, its instant news. The negative about this is people could post fake news and spread it as truth. I’ve seen many things like celebrities deaths when they are still alive. I think many people found out the way I did because it blew up on twitter. If this even happen years ago people wouldn’t have known about it as fast. Eventually they would read it in the newspapers or the new channel. I think it’s funny how the White House communications director wrote what he sent to the white house on twitter. Like he gave everyone a hint and everyone jumped on it. He didn’t even say it was about Bin Laden and people assumed it was. So the news was already out even though no one confirmed it to be true.
    -Andres Navarro

  47. I was at home on twitter when i read a tweet someone had posted saying the Osama had been killed. I was shocked, i was also shocked at the fact of another teenager posting that on the internet and how quickly this news has already spread. By the end of the night the whole world knew what had happened. After reading this article on the death of Bin Laden it has shown me how such serious things can be spread so quickly so many different ways. It is almost as scary as the fact of him dying. I found it interesting that America as a country basically wanted everyone to know what they have done. Personally i don't believe that is what i would do if i was in charge but what say i do have in anything. I think that most people had found out about this over websites such as Facebook or Twitter. That is how i found out. Everyone is always on their phones checking and updating their statuses anyways so when something like this comes across your phone you cant help to look. I believe that 15 - 20 years ago this news would have spread much much slower for many reasons. There would be no other way to tell everyone other than the television. Not everyone used it all day long and wouldn't have found out until the next time they decided to sit down and watch. Unlike now with out smart phones with mobile websites.
    - Sam DaSilva

  48. On the night that Osama Bin Laden was killed my dada came into my room and told me that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. I didnt believe it at first but then I went into the living room and heard President Obama say that "tonight justice has been done." When I heard that I knew Bin Laden was dead. The next day at school all we talked about in my classes was Bin Laden being killed. After reading the article i found it pretty crazy just how fast the news had spread. I also think that the news anchors and the newspapers not knowing that President Obama was going to make an announcement about the death of Osama Bin Laden. I think that most people found out about Bin Laden's death from twitter because whenever something crazy happens it always finds its way on to twitter. If this kind of thing happened 15-20 years ago I don't think that the news would have spread as fast as it did last year.
    -Ryan Bucko

  49. The day Bin laden was killed i was at home just relaxing when i looked on twitter my reaction was that finally someone did the dirty work and found him and put an end to all this nonsense. I found this on twitter and facebook before i even saw it on the news its petty sad that the news people cant even get the news until they look on facebook and twitter i think i saw it on the news the day after i might be wrong i don't dedicate my day to the news. what i found interesting about this leaking out so quick is that its crazy that the killing of Bin laden traveled all the way across the world in a matter of minuets. Killing is wrong but when a person like Bin Laden gets killed i have no sympathy to him or his family the only sympathy is i feel bad for the parents of Bin laden for having such a scumbag son. If you don't agree with the killing of Bin Laden then you should bury yourself right next to him cause you cleanly have issues if you believe that man has done anything in this world that is worth keeping him alive. He bombed our home country he is a bad person that earned the right to die by a U.S Solider. Killing him was the best thing that this country has done to benefit America.

    -Jimmy Marron

  50. Can you give me a hand? There's plenty to share.

  51. I can honestly say I do not remember anything about the day Bin Laden died. I did not really care very much. He deserved every bit of it. I just thought it was another terrorist dead and that is exactly what he should be. I believe that this news spread like wild fire over the internet and social media sites. I can almost guarantee that no one would have found out for at least 3 days. People would have had to wait for newspapers and magazines. It might have been on TV but people didn’t really have a lot of TV's back then so it would have been a lot harder to get the news out.

  52. According to Brian Williams, the “NBC Nightly News” anchor, some journalists received a three-word e-mail that simply read, “Get to work.” The nation’s television anchors and newspaper editors did not know, at first, that President Obama would be announcing the death of Osama bin Laden, an extraordinary development in the nearly 10-year-long war against terrorism waged by the United States and its allies. But reporters in Washington suspected almost immediately that the announcement could be about bin Laden. That speculation was not aired out on television immediately, but it did erupt on Twitter and other social networking sites. Wishful thinking about bin Laden’s death ricocheted across the Web — and then, at 10:25 p.m., while Mr. Obama was writing his speech, one particular tweet seemed to confirm it. Brian Williams on NBC told viewers, “This story started to leak out in the public domain largely when some Congressional staffers started to make phone calls.” Mr. Obama confirmed Bin Laden’s death at 11:35 p.m. Almost immediately, there was speculation in the media about whether the Obama administration would show visual evidence of the death.
    -Ryan Bannon

  53. I think it’s a great thing that bin laden is dead but my question is why did it take so long. How could someone in the U.S. track and find anybody that they want but took all those years to find a bearded man in a dress. The whole time he was hiding he was in a compound next to a military place. What is wrong with the government that took that long to find him? Another question that I have is what happened to the weapons of mass destruction that bush was so sure where in bin laden possessions. Did they just magically disappear? And if there were no weapons of mass destruction did we waste time fighting a war that has no purpose. It’s a good thing that the people in the Middle East don’t have to deal with bin laden and Hussein but what was the real reason that we started this war. I know that 9/11 is something that sparked the war but what made them attack us. What was there reason for the attacking the twin towers and the pentagon is the question that comes to my mind whenever I think of or hear about 9/11? Back to what I was saying about them taking too long to find him he was in probably the most obvious place he could be hiding .come on now that should have been the first choice to look. Did they walk by a heavily protective building asking each other who they thinks lives there like it completely normal.
    -Riyadh Shelton

  54. I found out about Osama Bin Ladens death through my older brother. He is always on top of everything is the news. When I first heard I didn't believe it at first because it has been an over 10 year manhunt for Bin Laden and i didn't know if we would ever catch him. Then i turned on the news and coverage was being broadcasted everywhere. My first thought was, "at least Obama did something good". News leaked after reporters and newscasters were told simply to "Get to work" in a 3 word email sent by Brian Williams. While newspaper editors did not know it was about Bin Laden reporters in Washington suspected immediately. Speculation exploded on social networking sites and it was all but confirmed when the chief of staff for the former defense secretary tweeted about the death of Bin Laden. I think this is how most young people found out while older people saw it on the news. This shows how social media can spread news rapidly. If it was 20 years ago people would have had to wait until the President made the announcement which was almost an hour and a half after it leaked on twitter. In this case social media was almost helpful because people got to the news before it happened. But you cant always trust twitter because people put up false information regarding peoples deaths all the time. This can be used to hear the first word but it is always better to watch the news to confirm it.
    Brian Jackson

  55. When I found out about the death of him I was home and happened to be on my twitter feed I saw that people were posting how Bin Laden has died. I couldn’t believe it because of how fastly everyone was posting it everytime I refreshed my page or even logged off and went onto facebook it was all about his death. When I was done finishing reading this article it showed me how extremely fast things spread throughout all net working sites. Just one tweet from the guy who killed him blew this whole thing out of order. I honestly would think if this was 20 years ago I probally wouldn’t even of noticed he died because everyone would of found out through the news and I barely watch tv and I deffinatly don’t watch the news. And I even bet the president would try holding off telling people so quickly because when we killed him Obama wasn’t rushing on telling us the story the guy wanted to tell everyone so he tweets it. Most of the time I never have to watch the news to find things out because everything is more likely to be tweeted about or posted on sites before even being shared any where else. Im glad he dies because it makes everyone feel safer even though terrorist are everywhere. I really wanted to wait for the president to come onto the tv to explain more about killing bc I know it was posted but posting things on twitter is just like the game telephone ppl say things and lie so im just glad now that’s hes dead and its over.
    Carissa Benoit<33 (:

  56. When I found out about Osama Bin laden, I found out on TV, while I was watching the news. I was at my house, I didn’t find out until the morning after the news was out. When I went on twitter, it was all over twitter. Everyone was talking about it. I find it interesting that the news leaked over twitter because you would think someone that was involved in such a high rank of the Defense Team would be more careful about what he puts on a social media site. He should be used to secrecy. I’m sure everyone was very excited when they saw his tweet, but this was something that should’ve been handled delicately. Some of Osama Bin Laden’s followers could have gone crazy and could have started to rebel because they could’ve been upset. Obama needed to have time to prepare the speech, to tell the American public. When this tweet was leaked, Obama didn’t have time to make his speech perfect. He needed to hurry it along and get the information out before rumors started spreading and incorrect information was taken the wrong way. Most of the American public was rejoicing and very happy about the death of Osama Bin Laden, they finally got the closure they needed from the September 11th terrorist attacks. Or did they? If they found out over twitter than they didn’t really get the closure they deserved. They didn’t know if it was true or not, it wasn’t fair to them. Obama should’ve been the one to tactfully deliver the news. Not a social media network.

  57. When I got word about Bin Laden’s death, I was safe and sound at home. I’m pretty sure my mom was the one who revealed the news to me. At first I was shocked, and then I couldn’t stop smiling. This man of extreme evil had finally been killed, restoring proper justice. According to an article from The New York Times, Keith Urbahn tweeted “So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn.” I found this to be interesting because before Obama could even present his speech on national television, this tweet exploded over Twitter and alerted most everyone with a social networking site. Though I’m more than sure that most people learned about Bin Laden’s death because of the tweets, the television and the radio would have been the primary source for this information had it been 15 or so years ago.
    - Kendra Walker

  58. Anonymous May 8, 2013 at 1:36 PM

    I was happy when I found out that Bin Laden was dead.I remember I was watching T.V. I was happy when I found out that the elite group of special forces known as SEAL TEAM 6 conducted the operation to kill him. I found it to be a problem that a dude in Pakistan can go and type up any thing he wants when we are conducting a covert operation. I personally think that the person should have thought that something is weird about the peoiple that live next to me. When they have a problem over something stupid like they are in my land but when a guy with 50 other people in one house thats not something to report. I feel that he should have said something. I feel that it was great that we took him out.
    Frank Musante

  59. I found out Osama Bin Laden was murdered when it was on the front page of the newspaper the following morning. I was also skeptical to if they actually did kill him, because they didn't release any photos of the body. If he actually is dead then like anyother American I am overwhelmed with joy.
    -Rich B.

  60. when i first heard of osama bin ladens death it was probably from my mom because i dont regularly watch the news and searcg news online. The most ill do is go on cnn and check out whats going on, maybe if the media actually told us the truth i would pay more attention. i dont have a twitter either so i didint hear it from one those social media sites. After i heard that he was dead i was kind of in shock like wow, ok does this mean that the war is over now that the mastermind behind 9/11 is finally dead? And if hes really dead why was there no photo evidence untill a year later. Anyway like most americans im glad that he is dead.- Gabe Batista

  61. I found out about Bin Laden's death when I got home from somewhere and my brother told me. I find it intresting that social media gets news out before anyone else and a lot of the time thats how people first find out about news. I think most people found out from twitter or somewhere online. As others who dont have access to computers probebly found out from someone else or from tv. If this had happened 15-20 years ago, many would have found out from the president at the time first telling everyone or others would have found out from the newspaper. But I think big news will always be leaked out now and will never be found out from the way the government or the president wants to ever again. Thats the way it is now

    -Pat Mackin

  62. i was at home watching news 12 checking the weather for tomorrow. while i was watching they inturupted and obama came on the tv and said osama is dead.After reading the article i thoght it was strange how his death was first announced by a tweet.It was all over facebook to so the word was spread very fast.Obama didnt come on air untill the next day.I think people found out by media source like yahoo news or facebook or any media site. People could of also found out by tv or news paper.If it was 15 to 20 years ago this would of never happend because there would of been no twitter or facebook. i dont think they even had internet 20 years ago. People would of found out from other people or on a black and white antena tv
    -Jeff Rohrig

  63. i dont remember how i found out about the death of Bin was probably though a social network post or tweet. i was most likely at home sitting around and refreshed the feed and it said that Bin Laden was dead. after reading this article i learned the truth about how the news leaked which i didnt know, that someone in the military had leaked it themselves. im assuming most people found out the same way i did through a social network, via twitter, or facebook. i'm sure that many older adults and grownups found out from the president saying so in his speech because they werent technologicly advanced like the younger generation who found out first.i think that if this news had leaked out 15-20 years ago then the information would have spread the way it was supposede to by the president announcing it on t.v or the radio in his speech
    -ben evans

  64. when i heard Osama Bin Laden was killed i was happy. i think it's a huge relief for such an insane and terrible man to finally be dead after all the harm he's caused on Our country and many others including his own. the second the word got out, the news was all over. on tv, internet and news papers for days on weeks end. you can tell everyone was just at such relief that noone even got annoyed to hear about it repeatedly. as the years go on alot more has been happening but if Osama Bin Laden was still alive, it would be so much worse.

  65. Bin Ladens death was a huge deal to everyone. I just dont understand why did the news have to go through Twitter... Close to midnight Obama gave his speach on the news of Bin Ladens death. I think it took to long for him to speak on the death. Other then that I was happy about his death. He took forever to finaly get to him but as long as he's no longer around then thats all that matters.

    -Tay M.

  66. I found out about Bin Laden's death from facebook. I had been on and reading peoples posts about it, and at first I didn't think that it was true. Just another "post" that someone made up. I was at home and on my computer, obviously, when i found out about this news. After reading the article, I was suprised to find out that it had been leaked out on twitter before the president could even speak to the public about it. Most people, I would say, found out about this through the internet and social networks like facebook and twitter. Also, I found suprising was how quick journalists got emails to start reporting and working on stories about Bin Laden. In the article, it says that Brian Williams got an email saying "Get to work" and that was the entire email. 15 or 20 years ago, people would have found out about the death of Bin Laden through televison and radio. The internet was not a source for the media yet.
    Krystal Finney

  67. Alex Garcia is the man!

  68. Connor J. CotrupeMay 8, 2013 at 1:54 PM

    Sacred Mathematics, by way of definition, refers to the concepts which, according to ancient (and a few modern) scholars, encompassed all of creation in mathematical terms. It includes numerical ratios of the most profound significance (literally Transcendental Numbers), the nature of numbers themselves (Numerology), their mutual relationship (Astrology), strange beasts such as Magic Squares and Infinite Series, those astounding aspects of geometrical relationships in Sacred Geometry which seem to defy logical or rational explanation, and the manner in which all of these aspects describe the universe.

  69. It dose not need to be online and bin laden's death makes the people happy that we don't have to remember the bombing any more it make life batter. We don't need look in back of us. It would be better with out osama in the world

  70. when I finally got word of bin ladens death and even I felt extremely relieved but had that strong feeling of discorourgement that future terrorist attacks and that displeases me greatly but the point bin ladens dead and that's all I truly care about
    sincerely Aaron haynal

  71. Honestly I never heard of Bin Laden I was in Puerto Rico.Doing this assignment is the first time I know who Bin Laden is.On facebook 12 people wrote about Bin Laden every second. People that work for the government made phone calls and leaked information.People found out on the News or maybe in the Internet about Bin Laden.In the 15-20 years ago there were no Internet, twitter, facebook, and in puerto rico there were no T.V and no mass media.
    Sincerely Damaris Davila


  72. i remember the exact night bin laden was killed, i was in my living room and my brother told me and first thing i did was sat down and checked for tweets to see if its really true. the news about bin ladens death spread around the nation because of tweets and Facebook post that got the nation excited and gave them hope. then after social media rapidly took of about it, then came the news channels and the finally the presidents confirmed speech. 15-20 years ago there was no internet for it to be anyone to be able to just post the news for others to see and share and was no tv for news channels to broadcast so therefore they would of have to wait untill the morning to get the news paper or hear it over there radios.

    Renard Robinson

  73. The night bin laden was killed was the happiest night of my life...he needed to die. Like for real...the guy has been terrorizing the US forever, and we couldnt kill him? It takes this long to kill this mad man?!I was all over facebook, twitter, youtube, you name it ...trying to find a video of this guy being shot and thrown in the water. But nothing of course... hes proabably still alive in a cell somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Probably never even killed him. Hes probably playin basketball with Obama right now. Crazy the way this world worksssss... crazy!

    Stephen Gonza

  74. I was at home at the time and read a tweet that said Osama has been killed. I was pretty shocked. I found it pretty interesting that Obama wouldn't respond to any question until people started asking for proof that he was actually killed. I feel like a large percent of people found out from social network sites like twitter and facebook. Also the news channels. If this happened 15 years ago people would probably be hearing about it on the news, radio, myspace.

    -Alex Garcia

  75. I found out about Osama Bin Laden's death on the internet when I was at home. My reaction to his death was mixed. At first, I was happy that they were able to take down such a bad guy who evaded us for so long. At the same time, I feel like they should have captured him and shown him fair trial instead of just killing him. I think it would have been a lot more satisfing if the whole world was able to see him be sentenced to life in prison in stead of just of just being shot quickly. After reading the article, I found it interesting that the news originally surfaced on twitter even before the President was able to announce the news officially on tv. I would not have expected that news originally came from twitter. I would have thought that other people would have first seen the news on tv or a yahoo newspage. Fifteen or twenty years ago I think that the news would not have surfaced at all until the official statement from the president aired on tv.
    -Claudio Everett

  76. I found out about Osama Bin Laden's death by watching the news at night when I was home. I felt relieved for myself and for the victims of Osama family he being killed gave a lot of people relief and happiness. The thing that I found interesting is how people were saying how there are going to still be more terrorist attacks because of his death I found this interesting because even though we thought of him as an evil man his people thought of him as a hero to them and us killing him would basically enrage them. I think most people found out through the internet because a lot of people use and will most likely pop up depending on what home page you got your net on. If Osama Bin Ladens death spread 15-20 years ago it would be by mouth and news paper and television because these are the most things that people used back then
    - Brandon Williams

  77. I took me about three days later to find out tha bin laden was killed and I was all like USA USA USA, but after the adrenaline rush wore off I was like oh man now there a new war that we now started with Al quida cause terrorism so after this discerning feeling wore off I went and watched the news with my dad for about an hour and then I started not caring cause it was old news too me at the time. Soo basically to me I was like hurray and then I was like meh don't care any more / Aaron Haynal

  78. I found out about Bin Ladens Death the day after it happened on the news while I was home from school. I dont remember which Channel but im pretty sure it was Fox. I dont find anyway the News was leaked interesting or suprising. I mean Its pretty typical how most adults found out reading papers, watching news. Kids would have seen social media updates and statuses making jokes about it I assume. If it were 15-20 years ago people would have found out in the news papers or on news channels. If they didnt see it on tv they would have had to read about it somewhere since media wouldnt be too complex yet. Now days you can go on your daily social media site and probably see the news instantly from a post or an app. Also 20 years back from now, people would hear the news from a person themselves. Now days i cant even see that happening. I feel like if i were to tell someone they would quickly say they already saw a post or something of that sort./Sean Farrell
