Monday, December 17, 2012

Blog Response #3 - Rebecca Black & The Power of the Internet

Love it or hate it, Rebecca Black's "Friday" song is an Internet sensation. The video for the song already has over 30 million views on YouTube and many believe that the song will end up as the most-viewed YouTube video of all time.

In the span of a couple weeks, the video has sparked two debates: Is this song the worst song ever? And, more importantly, what does this video say about the power of the media? Like Justin Bieber before her, Black went from an unknown 13-year-old to a star overnight. Could this have ever happened pre-YouTube or pre-Internet?

Read the following article about the "Friday" phenomenon and write a 250-word response that addresses the following questions:

Rebecca Black Means The (Internet) Fame Game Has Changed

What does Rebecca Black's fame say about the power of the Internet and social media? What are the positives of the power of the Internet? What are the negatives?

Response due: Friday, December 14 by 2 p.m.


  1. Rebecca Black is a perfect example of how YouTube has changed the music industry. With YouTube stars like Rebecca, it shows they don't need to have any talent at all, as long as the video goes viral. A big plus is that some people deserve to be found. They have the talent and the ambition to make it. But then you have these 13 year olds who think they have talent, or their parents think they have talent. But all in all, everyone enjoys making fun of it, or listening to it. So does it matter how it gets famous? She's famous all the same. Just like Bieber before her, they both are now very famous from an internet beginning. It’s pretty cool how if your video is seen you can become extremely famous.
    -Mark Hedgeland

  2. For Rebecca Black to make such an annoying video and post it on YouTube and yet still get more hits than any other song is pathetic. The fact that her song Friday had more views than the popular songs out during the time proves how strong the power of the media and the social media really is. Once the song went viral everybody and anybody knew the song even the teachers. The positives of the power of the internet are that it is much easier to put your name out and get recognized unlike years ago where the only way to get known was from a newspaper or stories told to you. Another positive to the power of the internet is that if someone has a dream to become famous internet improves their chances of achieving that goal. Some negatives to the power of the internet are that people don’t like you and they give you bad reviews. There will always be at least someone out there that doesn’t like you and what you have done because people are judgmental. Without the power of YouTube I do not believe that Rebecca Black or Justin Bieber would be famous today.
    - tim

  3. Rebecca’s fame says that the internet is extremely powerful, yet over/miss-used it is as well. The fact that someone with no talent, but knows the right people, can become famous in a matter of hours, while people/ groups who have extraordinary/ flawless talent are having a hard time because they don't know people like that justs baffles me. It is this sad fact that the music industry is desperate for good singers, and why contests such as “American Idol” are made. Yet such contests have only 1 person get famous, and no one else, even every one of them probably forgotten about, left to listen to the wind. Why is someone like Rebecca black (who in fact has almost 4 times as many dislikes as there are likes) is getting so much publicity is beyond me. I say the world’s gone mad. Why we need a song to get stuck in our heads in order for everyone to like it is just madness, why do we have such bad singers get this treatment, better yet, why don’t people with god talent get this publicity. This School has better talent than this chick does. I swear is I had a gram of c4 for every time I heard/saw something like this, I would have the entire U.S. warehouse of nuclear ballistic missiles.

    -This is Brian Petersen, signing off

  4. Rebecca Black getting famous says a lot about the new age of media. Virtually anyone can become famous now from posting something on youtube. Just like the article said it doesn’t have to have any content that is used for learning or displays talent. All it has to be is catchy, or stupid enough for other people to want to show their friends. This is great because anyone has a chance at their dreams even more now because of the internet and how easy it is. On the other hand this is bad because the internet can get dangerous for people who post things and aren’t careful about it. Also, it promotes negativity with bullying especially when someone doesn’t like what another posts people can say whatever they want whether its very hurtful or not. Hopefully people who post their videos on youtube are able to take harsh criticizim from people blogging on the site, and are ready to possibly be thrown into full fame.


  5. Rebecca Black's fame says a lot of good and bad about the power of the Internet and social media. Some of the good things about it is that a “nobody” can become famous very fast and easy. Some bad things about it are that people might not like you and they might leave bad reviews about you. I don’t think that Rebecca Black or Justin bieber would be famous if there wasn’t YouTube. rj smith

  6. Rebecca Blacks fame shows that anyone can make a song and become famous bad or not if the song is catchy then your gonna have fans its not all about the quality in this its just shows that anyone can make a low budget video and become famous. i think twitter and facebook helped her become famous because everyone started hating the song then others who watched it liked the song but since everyone kept talking about how bad it was it became famous and now shes known so social networks like Facebook and twitter had alot to do with this because people post vidoes so eveyrone of thier friends can see it so the more friends you had the more views she got because everyone wanted to hear how bad it was and some people even like. the positives of the power of the internet is that it can help people become famous really quick because of social networks like facebook and twitter and also youtube is huge range of vidoes and some people just look at youtube vidoes for fun so when they come across somthing thats good, bad or really funny they want to post it sometimes on thier own wall so others can see and then its like fire and keeps going. The negatives is that people like this Rebecca Black can make songs like "Friday" and become famous. it means anyone can do anything and become famous as long as its found by the right people who likes to talk alot or post videos- Arthur Hill

  7. Rebecca Black is a 13-year-old youngg girll that was chilling bored. Then she probly was thinking i need to make a song so i can come up becaues she most likely new she was nice. At what she can do so she made a music video.Next thing she knows she got up from sleeping an seen all of her 26 million versus an from then she new that she made it up top. will be coming soon!

  8. The power of the internet and the social media shows us Rebecca Black video and more over it’s a catchy song. It’s mostly for the teenagers who will comment whether they disregard it or they are towards what she’s singing. I’m not saying that this song weren’t made for the Adult too, although we all are human being. When it’s Friday everyone are intended to feel tire and frustrated. Rebecca black fame say’s that no matter the situation she’s just going to left her head high and continues to do her best, that’s basically what she’s telling us. I also think that the song that she had made was for us teenagers who are excited when it’s Friday because we are tired of school, wants to be home playing games or spending time with their friends and family. The fact that some people don’t even have talent this song can encourages them to try to make a song that’s also catchy and post it on YouTube. The negative power of the internet is that people comments can discourage you from your dreams which is a huge down fall; Most of the time people have conflicts because of the comment other’s have made and debates between each others. Another huge embarrassment is when the media are been bias because they don’t agree to your song. The positive part is that you can make money and become famous, not only famous but become a very successful person at a young age. . Been a young singer I think that other people that are your age group would be inspired by you.
    -Cavar Grant

  9. Rebecca Black’s fame says that the power of the internet and social media is very potent. Things get around really quick. Like Rebecca Black and Justin Beiber, no one really knew who they were until they became famous due to their Youtube videos. The internet has great things, in this case Youtube. If you post videos of you singing or whatever you do, it might get you recognized. It doesn’t matter whether you suck at singing, as seeing from Rebecca’s fame. Negatives about the internet are that if you blog something, you will get negative feedback. There will always be comments that aren’t good at all. Something not intended on being posted on the internet will most likely spread pretty fast. Within minutes or seconds, people will know.
    - Melina Giantomidis

  10. Rebecca Black's fame says that the power of the Internet is very strong. Like it is stronger than the word of mouth. Another thing is that it is faster than anything besides texting. Also her fame says the power of social media is getting faster and getting worse. Like all the people that deserve to be recognized for there’s skills and talents are possible not being seen because people are distracted with stupid videos like Friday by Rebecca Black. A positive of the power of the Internet is that it can help people. For example the Internet can help someone get a job. It can help someone find friends and family they have not talked to in years. It can boost a person’s reputation. It can also help bands/ singers get recognized by other people. I don’t think I can count the many times I have found a not well known bands on the internet, listened to them, and watched them become more known until they got a record deal/ signed. A negative of the Internet is lack of privacy. Nothing is completely private. Also once you put it on the internet , it is on there forever. Another thing is that it has the power to kill someone. Well not literally but like people on the internet can make another person feel suicidal to the point they can kill themselves. Also if an embarassing video can go online and become viral and ruin someones life. Or even a video goes viral but with the wrong intentions and can ruin that persons life.
    - Allie Piselli

  11. Rebecca’s fame tells us that the media is very “powerful” because it really doesn’t matter what the video is about, all it has to do is go viral. Once it goes viral that video is now popular and most likely that person is famous. The positive of the power of the internet is that, the internet is easily accessible and has created a whole world that at one time no-one could access. The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, the way we shop, even the way we live. As a teenager, the internet is easy for me! I just have to browse around a site, look at an example of something and I’ll know how to use it. But there are negative things that can go in the internet that you don’t want other people to see, or even go to a wrong websites and get viruses, spy ware, malware, pop ups, scams, spam, hoaxes, porn, which can harm your computer and even cost you a lot of money to fix it.

    -The intern pimp

  12. Every time I hear her song it triggers my gag reflex, it’s horrible…but, I can’t lie though it’s a pretty catchy song and I’m pretty sure I’m going to hear it tomorrow blasting in the hallways. I have to give props to the girl and her parents. Props to u Rebecca to singing such a horrible song and thinking it’s awesome and to her parents for spitting out 2g’s to make a pathetic music video instead of putting it towards voice lessons, or music school or perhaps college. Rebecca’s fame shows how powerful the internet and social media is in today’s world. It only takes a video, the internet and one, just one person to upload the video and once that goes viral there’s nothing more one can do but hope for the best. The positives about the internet in this situation is that if she really wants to blow up in the music industry it may create an opportunity for her to get discovered, just like what happened to Jay Bieber Fever. It can really aid in putting her name out there. This kind of reminds me of Nicki Minaj when she was rapping underground…she would make mix tapes and videos for whatever song she mixed and put it on the internet she got recognized and now she’s one of the top female rappers. Ok back to Rebecca, I think it’s great that she’s getting exposure at this young age. Things aren’t so bright on the flip side, there are people out there that love to criticize (mmm…I think I’m one of them…I don’t think my comments were that harsh) so you will get negative feedback. There’s always one in ten people that will absolutely hate you and everything you do but it’s how you react to their comments. If she isn’t emotionally strong for the music industry it’s going to take a toll on her, one of the most common negatives of the internet is the negative criticism it will ruin her emotionally and mentally. Without the internet I know for a fact that the Bieber Fever would not exist as well as Rebecca Black’s fame.

  13. From then she had tuned in to an artist.That's what can happen when you know you have a talent like she did to make the song called "Its friday!"an by making a video with it. She kept at what she wanted, so she did not stop following her dreams. joe robinson

  14. Rebecca Black's fame says that the power of the internet and social media is very powerful. It shows how easily it is to become famous, you can post anything on the internet and in a few days you can have millions of fews. Videos and other news gets around really fast on the internet, people will spread in on twiter, facebook, tumblr and other social network sites. Once that happens, people start talking about it which makes more people want to watch. I think it's pretty dumb how she got so famous for such a bad song. Rebecca and Justin Bieber would probably have never of become famous if it wasn't for the youtube, and all the other social networks because noone would of ever heard of them. The positives of the power of the internet is you can get recongized, even if it's hard it's possible and you can turn out to be famous just like them and it's really good how easy it is now and more people have chances. The negatives of the power of the internet is that you have to be very careful of what you post on the internet, you never know who's watching. The internet can be both negative and positive, you just really have to watch what you're doing on it and be very careful, and if you're lucky and people like whatever you're doing, it can be very easy to be become famous.

    -Nicole Paquette

  15. what Rebecca Black's fame says about the power of the internet is that it doesnt matter if what you putting on is good or bad because people are still going to watch it. if its good everyone will be talking about how you should watch it ans if its bad there going to do the same thing to make fun of it so no matter how you look at it your still getting famous and people are still talking about it, there still posting it on facebook and twitter and making other people read about it. the positives of the internet are that you can put pretty much anything on there and people will watch it or even read about it, and tell you what they think about it. but no matter what its up so anybody can see it. the negatives about the power of the internet is that you can put anything on there even if its not about your self and ruin somebody, just by putting a blog up, in Rebecca's case it made her famous but only because most people were making fun of her.
    -alyssa jelliffe

  16. I beleive that the sucsess of Rebecca Black is entirely contingent on the social media aspect of the media and the fact that people found her video so terrible they thought it would be halarious to mock and critisize her publicly on these social media sites such as Facebook . Grant it the malace intent to make fun of a girl that had the courage to write, perform, record, edit , and publish the preformace on the internet. And not just a weebly website but a major website that is a household name. I in no way shape or form support the fact that she continuously post new videos and is constantly receiving the income produced by the indaviduals who for some god forsaken reason have purchased this song off itunes. It goes to show u that media has the ability to make a person thousands of dollars over knight. The positives are you can become an overnight sucses and a household name and the negatives are it floods the internet with garbage of the people who atempt the same.
    - garyd Boyd

  17. No, the song is not the worst song eveR, because it is just a girl singing a song, expressing herself. I think that internet and media is the most powerful scource known to man.I feel that way because if someone has talent they can just post a video of facebook or youtube and bellions of people will view it in one second, but 15-20 years ago that wasnt possible you had to either know someone who knows someone, or hand your cassette tape, or CD, to the radio station, and that takes some time to do that. But what people do not realize is if you want to post something on Facebook or blog, or do something on Twitter or the internet and media it is only a click, a second away. It's that easy, it is that fast. People get addicted to this stuff, the good and possitive is popularity, celebrity, but the negitives are bad reputation, people talking about you. I think the internet is the best way to go, as far as getting the word out there, or trying to get noticed easier and faster, the unternet and media would be the best way to go.

  18. It says that once a video is out there no matter how bad it is it could still go viral and be popular. Rebecca Blacks video wasn’t even good but it was so bad it was funny. It showed that a video can hit the net and people send it to each other as a joke but then everyone’s talking about it and then she’s famous. The positives of the internet is that it makes it easier for people to become famous, in the past you’d have to make a demo tape, pay for studio time, and send it to radios but now you can make a video at your house and put it on YouTube and get big. The negatives are that if something personal of yours goes on the internet it’s very hard to get down, people should be careful what you put up. Like that girl amber Cole a video of her giving head went on the internet and everyone around the world saw it and it made her infamous. Vancho

  19. That’s true that most of people don't like Rebecca and don't like the song but then these are the only people who go on YouTube listen to song and then complain and make fun of song, that’s how she have most views on you tube. Then some of people just play song to show their friends or they will go to post on Facebook and tweeter and how she is getting that much views. And some people just listen it because they may be liked her or may be like the song, or maybe they are her friends or family and that’s how she is having that many views. To be honest she is not that bad and her song is not bad that how much people are just making it a biggest drama. That’s true that her parents paid $2,000 to have a “professional” music video made by a YouTube pop star factory called, appropriately enough, ARK Factory, which shows that money works it’s not about how YouTube change their rules or policy whatever it’s all about money. These days only money works and internet have a big control on our minds these days but money have the most power than anything else. But I think when you do any work on your own its better than paying millions for that. She had the money and she had song listening around the world and maybe soon her parents will pay more for her and she have more songs on internet or YouTube but it’s not her who is singing it’s the money who is singing..
    Maria Ihtisam!!

  20. Rebecca Black's fame shows that the videos or pictures you put out on the internet can get you famous no matter how good or bad the video is. Some of the videos that are put on there like Rebecca Black's "Friday" are so bad, but they get more popularity from that because the videos can give people a laugh and more people will share them. Some of the positives of the internet are getting people famous that deserve it and that don't. Also, people can make a living out of doing things on the internet and get paid for doing it. Some of the negatives that come from the internet are that you can get ridiculed for what you put on there and what you put on there will stay there forever. Another negative thing that can come from the internet is that people will make fun of you if what you put on there is bad.

    -Brandon Dubicki

  21. This shows that any one could become famous. If you have any type of endorsement. She is just a teenage girl that became famous off of a one hit wonder... Go figure. The power of the Internet could be positive in certain ways like endorsing things that matter not some girl becoming a millionaire off of one song.

    Patrick Rome

  22. Rebecca Black sucks. Probably the absolute worst singer on Earth. Its crazy ridiculous how someone so bad can have so many hits on YouTube. Although it is a terrible song, the power of the internet and social networking is so strong now a day. People will like the video just because it’s so bad and they would push the share button and a whole new group of people are exposed to the video. The way I saw this video was I saw my sister on the laptop watching it. I walked into the room and heard the most awful music I have ever heard since Gwen Stefani. There were so many views on the music video Friday. Everybody in school knew about it in a matter of days and everybody in the world knew about it in a matter of a week. Rebecca’s video ended up on talk shows and celebrities were even talking about it. She was made famous over a night by uploading her video. I honestly cannot stand that video. It’s the worst dumbest and worst sounding song I have ever seen. And she’s continuing her singing career. She needs to stop. If Rebecca Black was around ten years ago, she would definitely not be as famous as she is today and nobody would know who she is or how terrible her song is. Although it probably is one of the worst songs ever made in history of the music business, people enjoy how bad it is and find it entertaining to listen to it.
    - Mitch Martin

  23. The fact that Rebecca black became famous overnight because of a catchy corn song blows my mind and makes me think about the music industry. The fact that there are more views on “Friday” than Lady Gaga “Born this Way” shows that there’s good music that people like or just bad corny music that people get there laughs from. I think Rebecca Black became famous but not in the best way; there’s a difference from being a successful celebrity to being rich but having a bad buzz. Rebecca Black got famous because her song was corny and everyone enjoyed making fun of it. Word spreads quickly that’s really true when it comes down to humor; “Did you hear that new song Friday by Rebecca Black?” I feel like when the song got released that’s all I heard including people laughing forever. If I want to hear a funny song “Friday” will probably be the first song I search in YouTube. Rebecca Black got a lot of positive feedback but also got more negative feedback if anything. Viewers and listeners wrote the worst comments on YouTube towards Rebecca Black it was a hard time for her to hear all this negative feedback. When getting interviewed Rebecca talked about how she got direct messages saying she should kill herself or just how bad the song was; the worst feedback you can think of pretty much. So, overall Rebecca Black got famous off her one hit wonder even though the song wasn’t a greatest hit she still got famous.
    Jack Mihalov :P

  24. Rebecca Black is proof that anyone can get famous off of the internet or because of a social media webpage. Clearly everyone isn’t thrilled to be listening to this song, but yet we continue to watch and listen to it, because it's catchy and flat out so dumb that we show more and more people. Because it's on a social media page we continue to share the "news" about this song and before you know it, she's famous! A positive of the internet is that you can have instant soft news. Also that you can get something like a video out there for anyones' entertainment. Along with that, a positive of the internet is to stay connected with friends or family or even a job when your miles and miles away. A negative, is that if there is a personal video of you and you dont want people to know or see it, once it's up on the web your screwed; like Kim Kardashian! Another downfall of the internet is that people or kids can use to much of it and forget about being active and therefore they become fat. Lastly, using the internet and being antisocial can cause some problems in the devolopement in children.
    -Morgan G.

  25. Rebecca Black becoming famous is a good example of how anyone can use the internet to become famous.the internet gives us the abillity to share video or posts with millions of people. the more popular a video gets the more people are going to watch it. the internet is a way for people to be able to connect with others it is a good way to become noticed. although everyone complains that her song is annoying and sucks but people still listen to it. the down side to the internet is by putting something out there for example Rebecca black sharring her son it gives people the opurtnity to judge you. people were mean to here they started posting things about how horrible her song is internet bullying can have a huge affect on someones self esteem. there are both positives and negatives to using the internet.
    -Amanda Viscount

  26. Rebecca Black’s fame is a prime example of how the internet has enabled us to instantly communicate with each other and publish our content much more easily. In the past, Rebecca Black would have never made it out of her bedroom. The music industry would have instantly rejected her and sent her home. The power of the internet allowed her to publish her video online instantly without any sort of media filter, and allowed it to be exposed to millions of people.
    The positives of the power of the internet are that a completely unknown person can rise to international fame in a day by just posting a link, as happened with people like Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black (whether or not you like it). The internet also allows instant communication between the artist and the fans, which allows the artist to get feedback to judge how they are doing, without going through the long and expensive process of publishing albums.
    The negatives of the power of the internet are that this instant communication that the internet allows can be used for hateful comments, and often the people who will rise to fame will do so because of the negative attention, such as Rebecca Black did. Another is that since you posted the videos yourself, you’re solely responsible for promoting it and capitalizing on the fame. This means that a very talented person can go completely unnoticed, and their content lost in the vastness of the internet, while a relatively untalented person can be able to rise to unwarranted fame if they know how to manipulate the public’s social media avenues into talking about them.

    - Tyler C.

  27. The way technology is coming along now as fast as it is, is incredible. In the blink of an eye Iphone's came out of no where and these sites that I never even thought of now run the social networking. Sites like twitter which can spread information faster than any other site can get you famous over night. Rebecca Black only invested $2,000 and it paid off for her and making her famous. Shes only 13 and is a big icon across the world. If twitter or other websites werent around like in the past she might of never been discovered. The bad thing about these sites is if you dont even want something to leak or be heard of people will find it. All it takes is that one tweet and it will just blow up with other people that can see it or want to re tweet it. So it has its positives and negatives.
    -Randy Allain

  28. Rebecca Black's fame says about the power of the internet and social media that basically anyone has the potential of being famous. Nowadays anyone can post a simple video on YouTube and get millions of views if it's interesting or simple just a joke. All Rebecca Black did was post a song that made absolutely no sense whatsoever and yet became a star. Media is very powerful especially if you know how to you use it. As an example Jenna Marbles post random videos every week that make no sense but yet they're hilarious which draws in the viewers making her famous. Media can also be just as negative as it is positive, kids are easily persuaded into doing dumb things that they see. Posting videos on YouTube with people doing idiotic stunts but look fun gives kids the intentions of at least attempting them just because the simple fact that they look fun not thinking about the consequences. Rebecca Black in the long run got lucky that so many people viewed her video just to get a quick laugh if people weren't so curious I don't think she would of ever been famous.
    - Amber F.

  29. How rebecca black got famous in so little time with a song called its friday shows how powerful the internet is. this bassicly shows that anyone who makes a corkey song on the internet and puts it on youtube and become the next "new thing". now a days everything revovles around the internet so basically fame is everywhere at anytime.for example, the artist and biggest hit Justin Bieber was a normal kid just like us. his momused to post videos of him singing on youtube at the age of 3. someone discovered the videos and happened to have connections with many famous artists. or reffereing back to soja boy when he made a song called "crank dat soja boy" and it was the most popular song in 2008.back to rebecca black, at the end of the day she is just a normal teenager but to youtube around the world, she's famous!
    -james carbone

  30. Rebecca Black and her song its friday just shows the internet is controled and power because if you can make song off its friday then you can make a song off anything.But then again she a young girl starting off small so that she can make her way to the top. i thnk the song wasnt all that hirriable i like it and every times its friday i always put it on in my room before i get ready for school and i think the people that was saying horrible things about her and saying mean things to her they didnt do anything but make her even more famous and made alot of people like it as myself. the internet is really power because the singer justin bieber was singing ever since he was a little kid and posting everything on to youtube and someone seen his amazing voice and made him popular and rich. if someone can really do that a make someone else rich just by going onto youtube then everyone might as well just go on youtube and become rich. i think this is a negitive but positive way for the internet negitive what because anyone now a days can put anything onto the internet , but also its a good way because you can see what the internet is about and see all the things that just go on.

  31. Rebecca Black is just a prime example of how powerful media is. She is an average 13 year old girl with a dream of becoming famous. Because of her parents, money and YouTube her dream became reality. Once something on YouTube gets hot, it really gets hot and spreads quickly. She posted one video and all of the sudden she has 26,000,000 views. It's almost like I can become famous if I wanted to all I need is $2,000. Think about that, all it takes is $2,000 and YouTube will make you famous. But this kind of power can be a good thing. Like the article said Justin Beiber was founded on YouTube. Now look where he is, he's probably the face of teenage celebrities, he's making money and entertaining every single teenager under the age of 16. The worst part about things spreading on the internet is sometimes the wrong things are spreading. Celebrities have a personal life and media lets us know everything about it. It starts with reporters getting information for a story then they publish it on the internet for EVERY single person too see. For example, Ryan Braun was accused of using steroids. Within one hour the whole baseball world heard about it. That story should have never been made public. That should have been a secret story so they're will be no problems with media or even the fans. That story ruined everything Ryan Braun has represented and this is only because of media.

    Joey Bannon

  32. From Rebecca Black's fame, it shows that the internet has the power to make anyone famous with a song about anything. The internet is a very powerful thing, and whether it was fortunate for her or not, her video became viral and she became a national infamous icon practically overnight. The positive thing about the power of the internet is that you have the potential to become famous overnight. Rebecca Black's story goes along with the phrase " theres no such thing as bad publicity" because everyone knew who she was, but everyone hated her, and her singing. The positive thing is that everyone still knows her and she has over 30 million hits on youtube and people are still talking about her. As long as people are talking about her, she has the potential to have a real music career... after her voice lessons of course, and she could even get a movie deal since she is so widely known. The negative side of the internet is that people could even be discovered even if they don't want too. Rebecca Black probably did want to be discovered, but she probably didn't expect to be hated by the world. Rebecca Black is judged every day because of "Friday". No one, except her friends and family, knows the real Rebecca Black. The internet spreads assumptions, and false, cruel rumors. The internet spreads both good and bad, it depends what people are reading and what they're responding to articles, stories, and situations.

  33. Rebecca Black Is a very smart girl. In this internet age you can reach anyone and everyone. So its very easy to become famous. People just need to be able to connect to the person and she brings up a reasonable point where everyone on this earth wants it to be friday, thats why so many people were able to connect with her. She shot to the top because everyone could relate to her. She had 26,000,000 views within no time. All she used was 2,000 dollars to become famous over youtube. Justin beiber did the same thing. He reached out to millions of girls who wanted a good looking guy like himself. The internet is available to everyone so people have a greater chance now a days to get everyones attention faster with great ideas. Also after you become famous your personal life will be all over the media. The internet is very useful when it comes to influencing childern. Kids believe anything on the internet especially if its entertainment. If it gets then entertained they are interested. As soon something gets on the internet people talk about it and it just spreads like wild fire. Its very easy if you make yourself qunique to become famous on the internet. People are always very interesting on the internet. I ryan bannon will try to become famous on the internet by the idea livin lucki. One by creating a website where people can post there luck. Two, post funny videos on youtube about me livin lucki and create a music video about how and why people should start livin lucki. Hopfully i have found my nick in the system where everyone will believe and love my idea. my idea is one of a kind and the world has been waiting for its savyor and hopefully ill be lucki enough to be that one to become famous and change the world.

    -Ryan Bannon

  34. First and foremost, I've always described the internet as a double-edged sword. On one edge: It's informative and entertaining. On the other: it's a breeding ground for sheep-like behavior and is often the easy way for people to be famous minus the hard work to become so. The latter is the case with Rebecca Black. In 2002, an English Indie-Rock band called “The Arctic Monkeys” formed and started doing their music from the internet. They were the first group to gain a following via the internet. What is the difference between a Group of British guys and some 13 year old girl with rich parents? The Arctic Monkeys were actually talented while Rebecca Black is garbage. The question you ask now is: Why are people watching this torture of a music video? My Answer: because it’s so bad that it’s laughable. The internet is infamous for spreading bad music like this because many people are like: “Oh my god, this song is so awful that I must show everyone how terrible it is!” That right there is how the internet has power through society. Something ridiculous, outrageous, funny, or even terrible is usually trending on the internet because we as humans find it, in a way, to be interesting. Is “Friday” really that deserving of attention? No, not really. I wouldn’t give it that much thought, because it’s not really the next “Barbie Girl” a song so bad we still remember how unbearable it is.“Friday” already has 500 million parodies and the recently trending “Thanksgiving song” will probably follow suit. That is exactly how the internet is: when It attracts a few people, the herd will follow.

  35. Rebecca Black probaly made the worst song that ever went public on this earth. The song friday became a hit when the number of youtube views sky rocketed 26,000,000 views making her the all time leader in youtube views. it makes some people wonder is her song the worst song ever made? a 13 year old girl making a horriade song that only cost $2,000 there is a reason why she got so many hits is because people wanted to see how bad it was thats why all the views jumped to 26,000,000. the effect of mass media has alot to do with her so called success mass media is so powerful i remember hearing about this like less then 2 days that it came out if people dident have cell phones or computers people would still be just hearing about this song it happens in every case, not just Rebecca Black for example Javon Belcher the cheifs Middle Line Backer killed himself and it was all over the news and internet the whole country found out about it in less the 3 days, i found out about it 3 hours after he killed his wife and himself Rebecca Black is just another perfect example of mass medaia.

    Jimmy Marron

  36. One of the most unexpected “stars” (if that’s what you want to call her) that was risen into the music industry by luckily gaining a lot of views, enough to go viral, would be the untalented 13 year old named Rebecca Black. Rebecca Black is most certainly the definition of a false famous-labeled pop star that will more than likely die off from the music industry when the audience stops making fun of her to the point where she’s being known for her “annoying” song ‘Friday’. There are always pros and cons to everything. So it’s no surprise that there can be flaws in the music business as well as anything else. A con that the music industry possess’ is that no matter how bad the talent of an artist, if they have the numbers that can potentially be seen to make money, they will jump at the opportunity to make the extra buck. Rebecca Black is a 100 percent example of this con in effect due to the number of views she’s gained on the global site, YouTube. There were so many people that were making fun of this video and sharing the laughter with their friends that Rebecca had gained more than 26 million views from her video. About 4 million more than super star Lady Gaga. Since she had the numbers, she officially gained the right to be called famous. This con of the business of making money is one of the main reasons why it’s harder for artists with real talent to be successful with their career in the music business.
    -Steve Robles

  37. Rebecca Blacks "success" has been drivin by the internet and social media outlets. Love or hate the video "Friday" its become an internet sensation and word spread like wildfire. Once something goes viral it becomes a force and it is nearly impossible to get rid of. Whether people watch the video seriously, or watch it out of curiosity, or watch it just to make fun of the lack of talent, point is they still watch it. This however, has opened the doors for normal people to reach stardom almost overnight. Sometimes for the wrong reasons. Many celebrities lives have been ruined because of the power of the internet. Celebrities are under constant spotlight and once they make one mistake everybody will know about it within hours. So the internet can make or break a person but either way the media outlets win by the attention they recieve.
    Brian Jackson

    1. In Rebeccas case all it took for her was a couple thousand dollars from her parents and now shes worth $1.2 million. While before others were the ones laughing and making fun of the video Black is the one laughing now. As the views keep piling up so does the profit which in Blacks case the investment paid off after the first month.

  38. Rebecca Black’s fame says that the power of the internet and social media is powerful because even though her song wasn’t one of the best songs out there, all it had to do was go viral. The internet made her powerful because with just one idea and with her parents paying $2,000 to have a professional music video made, she has over 30 million views, more than Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”. The positives of the internet are that it makes it easier for people to come famous by making a YouTube video and having it go viral. Even though Rebecca Black was hated by many people, her video made her even more famous by more and more people watching it. Rebecca Black is a great model of how YouTube is more of a power internet and social media because it showed that even though you have no talent or not as much talent, you can become famous overnight. The negatives of the internet are if someone puts up a video, it can become viral and famous when you never wanted to. For example, if someone put up an embarrassing video of themselves and goes viral, then they’re going to be known for that moment that they probably would like to forget. Another negative is that people may judge you for whatever video you up and get more people to judge against you too.
    - Taylor Doran

  39. Rebecca Black is a 13 year old girl who wanted to be a singer. She doesn't have talent in my personal opinion, she just has enough money to make a video of herself trying and put in on the internet. This is a perfect example of how powerful media is. Since she put her video on YouTube she has been seen on the news for how horrible her song is and the way she sings makes the song even worse. The song was voted number one worse song that was ever created to many people who aren't 13 or younger. Since the song came out Rebecca Black has been getting hate mail by almost the whole population of YouTube. The way the song is put together sounds like a middle schooler wrote it during their lunch period. The internet is a way for people to be able to connect with others it is a good way to become noticed. The effect of mass media has alot to do with her so called success, she has no taltent, she just has money. I think it's pretty stupid and idiotic how she got so famous for such a bad song. Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber would probably have never of become famous if it wasn't for the youtube, and all the other social networks because no one would of ever heard of them. - kristin borrelli

  40. Publicity is an untamable monster. If you aren't careful, you can get trapped in its jaws. This happens daily in the world of the internet. Rebecca black is the prime example, turning into a phenomenon practically overnight. All she had to do was make a simple music video, sound a little bit different, and people became obsessed with it. Some really enjoyed the video and found it catchy, while others still talk about it TO THIS DAY about how terrible this song is. This is the part I don’t agree with. Some people hate the video so much that they talk about it on a daily basis. This is still publicity. This only makes her more famous, and puts a little more money and her pocket. If you had some form of brain matter in your ignorant head you would realize that by simply paying no attention, she will go away. Even this blog I am commenting on at this moment is giving her publicity. I really don’t mind her myself, but some people on blogs like this just bash and bash and it’s to no result. Just forget about her and you won’t have to put up with her if you are SOOOOOOO furious that she exists. This video was just for fun too. She just made it because she could, and she never wanted anything for it. But since you all hated it so much (but secretly loved it) her net worth is now 1.2 god damn million dollars.
    -Julian Griffin

  41. The fact that they compared lady gaga and Rebecca black is absurd. If you ask me Rebecca black has about as much musical talent as a dead skunk. In other words her music stinks. Media can make a person with absolutely no music talent a pop sensation. Rebecca is just another example that media has a big influence on the world for better or worse. I also think that it’s unfair that her parents paid for her to have someone put together a music video that’s not really deserving of being on top is not fair to people that become famous on internet from the bottom with nothing . I don’t think that Rebecca black does not deserve any of the fame and recognitions that she's getting. She needs to drop dead on Friday that way she would do every one a big favor and stop the torcher. Another person they compared her to is Justin Bieber I will give it to him he has talent and is deserving of the fame and the glory because he worked for it ever since he was a little kid. I honestly feel that Rebecca black had nothing better to do so she bitched and moaned until her parents were annoyed to the point where the just said forget it and gave in to her demands of paying someone to make music video . I truly believe that a two year old could have made a better song that the monstrosity called Friday.
    -Riyadh Shelton

  42. Rebecca Black is a terrible musician, not even a musician, she is just terrible. This 13 year old has absolutely no talent the only reason she became famous is because her parents threw $2,000 on the table and said make my kid famous. It seems like all people need to become famous is a pretty face and a catchy tune, for example, Justin Beiber, One Direction, Miley Cyrus, and Britney Spears. I have no respect for Rebecca black because her fame was pretty much given to her, all she had to do was describe her day and say the days of the week. All of this shows how powerful media is because within a couple weeks Friday became the biggest song on the internet and turned Rebecca Black into the most hated girl on the internet in 2011. I think the song became big once I heard it on the radio and my sister bought it on iTunes. I think that some media out there today is awful. It sucks because on major news networks like NBC and ABC don’t talk about actual news they talk about dogs and celebrities and the worst part about that is that people actually care about that crap. What the news should be talking about are worldwide issues and the things that our leaders are doing to improve our country. To sum this all up Rebecca Black shouldn’t have made Friday because the fame was just given to her, all you need to be famous is money, and news doesn’t talk about real news.
    Todd Manning

  43. What Rebecca Blacks fame says about the power of the internet and social media is how anyone can become famous or even just noticed by the how fast everything travels online. Some positives of the power of the internet is the speed of how everything travels. Because once one person sees it there going to be telling all of there family members and friends so even by them hating the video every click on the link puts her closer to fame. Another positive note is that this song will most likely get stuck into your head making you want to listen to it. For example every Friday I always think of the song just because I cant stand it that much and from it being stuck in my head. A negative thing about this is how even though shes getting famous from everyone hating it they put all these rude hateful comments saying to like go home and cut yourself and lose weight. That would just make me go home every night and cry just because as it younger girl it hurts when people say mean things. And like how Justin Bieber got famous over youtube but from all the right ways he didn’t try so hard to get his music of talent out there he came from a poor family and just posted videos of him doin things he loved but on the other hand Rebecca had her parents pay 2000 dollars to have them produce this video and out it up on youtube intentionally for her to get famous.
    Carissa Benoit

  44. Rebecca Black became famous overnight because her parents paid 2,000 to produce a music video and upload it on youtube. The music video now has 44,790,291 views. Her fame says a lot about the power of the internet and social media. It says that even if you’re not truly talented you can still become famous off of negative attention. Good or bad, the internet and social media can still put you out there and make you known. Even though we all know and hate her hit song “Friday”, it still made her famous. I first heard about it on twitter and had to look it up on youtube because I saw everyone tweeting about how horrible it was. The positives Rebecca Black got out of this is that no matter how much we all hate the song, if we hear only a little part of it, it’ll be stuck in our heads for a while. Also on Fridays sometimes I still think about the song and a teacher in our school plays it through the hallways which gets me excited that its Friday, so that’s more positive attention towards her. The negatives of Rebecca Blacks fame is that her fame is based off of mostly negative attention. Like the article says there were so many negative comments telling her shes fat and to kill herself. Even though she’s known throughout the world, she still gets hurtful comments towards her.
    -Gina Chipello

  45. Rebeca Black, internet "sensation" became not popular but known with one video. I guess you don't need talent to make it on Youtube. She had a goal to make a video and to get it on the website and she did with the help of her supportive parents. It definitely is a laughable video, you couldn't walk through the hallways of Jonathan Law on a Friday without hearing Mr. Beler playing it on max volume. That explains my weekly migraines, thank you Beler. I completely agree with Hedgeland, it doens't take much to make it on the internet especially with a video; as long as people are watching your profits are increasing. In today's world it's all about the money, because it's just needed for basically everything. Personally the parody to her video when she gets shot and hit by a bus was a lot more hysterical but whatever she can work with. Look at today's music: Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, One Direction; what is all this crap and how are they allowed on the internet. Don't even get me started with the "Thanksgiving Song," lets go to a wonderful thanksgiving dinner and invite a much older black guy dressed in a turkey costume, ya your totatlly not getting molested. Bring good music back like classics, people's opinions on what that type of muscic is may be different. If i wanted to make a billion dollars let me go sing about how awesome Saturday is. It may be stupid but according to Youtube it's pure genius.
    -Joseph McMahon

  46. Rebecca Black who is 13 years old, famous for a song that is not that great, and got close to 30 million views proves that the power of the internet and social media is powerful. The internet made Rebecca Black famous because her parents decided to fork over $2,000 just to make their 13 year old daughter famous. That $2,000 helped Rebecca Black reach almost 30 million views on a song and music video that is not that great. All the views that the music video received also played a huge part in her popularity because once one person watches the video and tells their friends about it the more views the video will have. Rebecca Black is a good example of some of the positive things about the internet because she was just an average girl who got famous just for singing a really bad song about a day of the week. Some of the negatives of the internet are the comments people left on the video saying how terrible she was. –Ryan Bucko

  47. Personally, I do not like Rebecca Black. She is a bad singer and got famous for something stupid. But, I do think that if I can have as much money he for singing a song like that, I would do it any day. Rebecca Black going famous would have never happened if it weren’t for YouTube. Look at any true star. Did they get famous because of YouTube? No. They got famous because they had true talent. She got famous because mommy and daddy had a few extra dollars to spend. This just goes to show how our media this day and age can make you who you are. Now she won’t have to go to school, get a job, or do anything that a regular, hardworking American would have to do. But once again, would you do what Rebecca Black did to be in the place she is now?
    - Curtis Cocco

  48. Rebecca Black shows the power of the internet and social media. Her song wasn’t the best and her video wasn’t great, but the exposure on the internet made her famous. The song and video wasn’t good, but people talked about it. People thought it was dumb or they liked it. Either way they supported and spread the word. That’s the power of the internet everyone could access it. There are a many talented people in the world. They could use this tool and show their talent. They do this in the hope of being discovered and achieve their dream. There are also negatives. People could be exposed on the internet doing bad things and teens or kids could be influenced by this. They could see them being talked about and famous. Then they copy their behavior. Such as drinking, smoking, drugs etc. The internet could be good and bad. Depends on how people use it. Only the internet could make a talentless person famous by just because they posting something. That’s just how influence and powerful exposure is and the internet is. She made money off that one video. She made thousands off this cheesy video. It’s crazy to think that but people were entertained and gravitated toward it. There are many other examples for “YouTube fame”. She is not talented at all and doesn’t deserve the fame and fortune but that’s the power of the internet.
    -Andres Navarro

  49. The power of social media is something great. Rebecca Black is a girl that literally has no talent what so ever, but now because of media she is a star. No matter how stupid or serious what you have to offer may be it can become the next big thing. Rebecca Black has now changed her life forever. There are hundreds of people just like her because of Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter are now famous. These are all positive things. Social media can also take someones fame and throw it down the drain. Lindsay Lohan gets exploited on the news and internet for all of the dumb things that she now does with her life. People want to see things such as this. At one point she was like Rebecca and all over the news for doing good and fun things. Because of social media she is doing the complete opposite. Her bank accounts are frozen and is going to end up on the side of the road all because of social media. The power that the internet has created is enormous. You can do anything from waste money to make money with the click of a button. Rebecca probably was bored with a few friends and decided she wanted to do something that would make her money, so she did.
    - Sam DaSilva

  50. Rebecca Black might just have the most despised youtube video in the modern age. Also the probably becoming the perfect person for “rage comics” ever. Not to mention the female middle school student may think she that that she has a popular video in 2011 is a lie, because of her and all the comics about her suggest she is a part of the laughing stock on the interwebs. One thing that sets her apart from the modern music of today is that the song does not have any complaining or “auto-tune” in it. Along with the fact that the video has almost one million dislikes and almost 45 million views on Youtube means the fan-base the video has more of a despise-base. The fact that the one part of the population cares about a silly attempt for a viral YouTube video is kind of sad, when the other part only wants to hate on a middle school student’s "project." The other factor that made the music video “blow-up” was social media and the girl’s community. Along with ways of the interwebs that also helped the media realize how bad Rebecca Black was and maybe still is making music for the public to listen to. Another thing about the video was that there are so many remixes and parodies the video gets more and more recognition every time someone either looks at the real thing or the fake versions. Finally the videos fans are a bunch of middle school students.

    -Mark Mierzejewski

  51. Rebacca Black has got to be one of the worst “celebrities” that have ever come into our media, pretty close to Britney Spears. Rebecca Black made some really s@#!%y song, that describes her day, and it gets almost four million hits on youtube. I completely blame Beiber for this though. All the teenage girls want to be like Bieber, and that is exactly what Rebecca Black did. I have no respect for Rebecca black because she never earned her fame, it was pretty much given to her, all she had to do was describe her day and say the days of the week as I stated above. All of this shows how powerful media is because within a couple weeks Friday became the biggest song on the internet and turned Rebecca Black into the most hated girl on the internet in 2011. Probably not a good comparison, but it is kind of like Gangman Style. Nobody knows what Psy is saying, they just like the song because it was on a television show. Our media is beyond powerful, and it brings up this god awful stuff, aka Rebecca Black. You know you have no talent when South Park makes fun of you on their television show. Plain and simple, she was a waste of time and space on our never ending internet data base.

    -chris Burnham

  52. Though the song "Friday" was an obvious attempt to attract attention to Rebecca Black's terrible vocal skills, there's no denying that everyone has played a part to make her a sensation. This is because media controls the public eye. YouTube especially caused many people to become famous simply because we sit at home, power up our computers, and watch ridiculous videos for our entertainment. The power of the Internet has put many people in the limelight, such as Justin Bieber and Karmin. Video after video, they became increasingly popular. Rebecca Black’s “Friday” is no different. With that said, the power of media is definitely a force to be reckoned with.
    - Kendra Walker

  53. I found out about Bin Laden's death when I got home from somewhere and my brother told me. I find it intresting that social media gets news out before anyone else and a lot of the time thats how people first find out about news. I think most people found out from twitter or somewhere online. As others who dont have access to computers probebly found out from someone else or from tv. If this had happened 15-20 years ago, many would have found out from the president at the time first telling everyone or others would have found out from the newspaper. But I think big news will always be leaked out now and will never be found out from the way the government or the president wants to ever again. Thats the way it is now

    -Pat Mackin

  54. Rebecca Black's fame shows that what becomes famous or well known is somewhat unpredictable thanks to the internet and social media. You never know whats going to catch on and be spread and seen by more and more people over time. This shows the negatives of the internet because the internet allowed Rebecca Black's to be seen all over the country and now see's a nationwide joke. If it wasn't for the internet, she wouldn't be a household name and people wouldn't hate her because they wouldn't know who she is. The internet can be a positive thing because it provides exposure to artists who are truly gifted but in her case, it only caught on because people like to laugh at how bad she is. This is why the internet negatively affected Rebecca Black - Claudio Everett

  55. i'm more than certain that almost everyone can agree with me when i say that Rebecca Black isn't talented whatsoever, any thirteen year old girl could have lip synced a horribly over auto-tuned song. Most people can say they have seen the video, and thanks the power of our internet, every time a person watches a video, it gains even more popularity and reaches out to more and more people. With websites like Youtube and Vimeo, anyone and everyone has the ability to become "internet famous" just with a dumb idea no one has thought up of yet, or the next catchy song about a day of the week, And the only reason she she got this fame and received thousands of dollars is because of people blogging, discussing, and arguing about her music video. Case in point.

    -Nick Kowalski

  56. even though the friday video was a big success and her and her family made millions of dollars off of it. it surprised me that her parent actually invested $2,000 into a piece of shi*t. if my child came up to me with a terrible song and telling me their thoughts about a video i would just stare at them like they were stupid and make them wash dishes or someshit for the money. i think its tight that she got an easy ass couple million off people liking rediculous videos.
    -donnie danger$

  57. its insane how now a days u can do just about anything and post it on the internet then become famous. fame isnt hard to discover anymore which is sad because then there is some people that deserve to get known on tv for their amazing talents yet noone comes across it because they're too busy searching for that certain "talent" that is trending at the moment in time. i hope as the future moves farher, the people who truly deserve to get discovered have a chance to show the world their inner and outter amazingness

  58. Rebecca Black's fame through the internet shows that anyone can become famous for something completely ridiculous. It just has to be seen by all the right people and before you know it, you're all over the internet. Social media sites play a huge roll in the fame. People share with others what they saw and keep posting it all over the place. It spreads like wild fire. Positives about the power of the internet include being able to look up something for school, or in Rebecca Black's care, become famous. However, the internet has negatives like getting people in trouble with copy righted videos or posting something with harsh words about people. The internet, especially now a days, is very powerful and you have to be careful how you use it.
    Krystal Finney

  59. People around the world can see singers/actors immediately. The Internet is world wide anybody can access it. Anybody can post video online people become famouse. Rebecca Black became famouse because of posting a redicules video. People can write bad things about you, Create drama, hurt someone Feelings

    -Damaris Davila

  60. Rebecca black made a stupid song "Friday" witch only caught attention because of how much of a joke it was. she and her song are examples of how the internet and social media can bring fame if you can do something good or bad enough to stand out. the positive thing about this is that it is an easy and cheep way to get fame and maybe money if that's what your after. the negative about this is that now its not longer that easy because there are so many users on media sites doing the same thing chasing fame it makes it harder to stand out.

  61. Rebecca Black a very inspirational person. If she can become famous over one night due to her hit single "friday" and make millions of dollars off of possibly the worst thing since "The Love Guru" who says anybody can't. All you need is parent and a checkbook. Its not even like people actually like the song, well some might but thats beside the point. You no longer have to have any type of talent to make it big. Ironicly her haters made her famous. Shout out to my haters, Sorry that you couldn't phase me - Nicky Minaj.
    -Alex Garcia
    Game Blouses

  62. This is some funny stuff. who says "we gonna have a ball," or, "we so excited" ?? Also: what 13 year old drives and goes to parties? The video was pretty bad.

    But really, I Rebecca Blacks friends, her parents, and the music industry kind of messed her life up.. First and foremost, how can Ark Music create such... disgusting, upsetting, shocking, idiotic, repetitive.... lyrics? because she obviously didnt write the song. Second, how could Rebecca Black NOT see that the lyrics were so bad? The same to her friends. Third, how could the parents, who weren't too sure about the whole thing, lyrics and all, LET her child humiliate herself all over the internet?

    Of course people have taken it to far--death threats and worse--but it just shows how idiotic people can be. If something is really good, people will show it. If it was really bad, people will show it. And it was a terrible video.... And the thing is, it is so sickeningly catchy that two years later I still know how the song goes.

    Stephen Gonza

  63. June 10. 2013 at 1:27 p.m.
    Rebeca Black, internet "sensation" became not popular but known with one video. I guess you don't need talent to make it on Youtube. She had a goal to make a video and to get it on the website and she did with the help of her supportive parents. It definitely is a laughable video, you couldn't walk through the hallways my sophmore year without hearing Mr. Beler playing it on a Friday.This year you no longer hear the song and you only hear her name when somebody wants to make a joke or remember that stupid girl that made that terriable song about friday. I am very happy that she is over but then another idiot will come and make a stupid song and the same thing will happen. It doesn't take much to become famouse.
    Frank Musante

  64. They are a lot of people who already watch the youtube video and it got more likes. They are people who do not like the video on youtube and she is moving up in the world.

  65. Rebecca Black's overnight fame via internet says many different things. One thing I can come up with is the power of the internet. If something is good enough or important enough people will see it via the internet and in this case i guess it is rebecca black. A positive of this is that we can spread important news within the click of a finger. A scary negative that i could think of is our dependance. What if in the next generation that is going to be completeley reliant on computers, and they crash? What would we do? thats a negative i think how the human race is and is going to be even more dependant on computers is scary. - Rich Brunetto

  66. Rebecca black fame over the iternet confirms that you really dont have to have any type of talent to get your name out there and for fame. As long as you have the social media watching and commenting on wither the how good the person is or how terrible the person is as long as you have a lot of views you have potential to get your name out there.The posistive of the internet is that you have the opportunity to put your stuff out and get feed back and how you can look of stuff and basically do what you want. I think some negatives of the internet is hacking and how people can destroy some one repretation by stupid decision they might make then some one post it and its up there forever.
    -Brandon Williams

    1. Well to me Rebecca black is not the first Internet star to show her face. Well here's my statement if you have the Internet and a camera and if your in the right place at the right time and if you have the money to do something to make some famous. Well to me I don't really care for Rebecca black because she is a terrible singer and most of everyone who has seen Friday has hated it and most people dislike it on the YouTube and its really annoying too everyone who had too torture themselves by listen to it and you can potentially hate on anything or anyone with the power of the Internet

  67. Rebca Black has no talent what so ever. The social media sites made her famous and widley known. And know that she poste one youtube video on the internet she becomes famous over night for a lame song that hurt alot of peoples ears. Lots of singers and bands start out on the internet. Producers watch the video and then the group becomes famous, in this case rebeca black took the fame. The positives about the social media sites are you can do a record yourself doing somthing funny and post it on a website and if people think its funny you will get alot of likes or views and then someone will come along and use your video for a show or promote you in a way. The negative effects of social media is if you post a video on youtube or facebook anyone in the world could see it and could make fun of you or critisize your work. Like Rebeca Black, her song was hideous and lots of people made fun of her and now she is widley know as a bad singer all because she posted one video on youtube.
    -Jeffrey Rohrig

  68. Rebecca Black Simply Proves that the internet and social media sites can make you famous from the click of a button. Its not that these people have talent, its just so easy to click the play button to view something and shape your opinion on it. Most people that viewed her song talked negative about it and nowdays, critizism is way up there. people would want to see this video knowing its terrible which makes no sence. Honestly i think this girl got famous for being terrible. She could have been famous after getting 1million views but after she got famous, 29million more people wanted to see whether they enjoyed it or not. so basicly her fame is based on views from a video. This shows that the power of internet could make it really easy to be known, but the negative part is that it could be real easy to be critizied and become famous for something terrible. whether people enjoy what you put on the internet or not, it can go good or bad real quick./SeanFarrell
